The Short Story

May - Aug 2023
My friend Rima,  about to become a mother, felt the pressure of societal expectations and the fear of losing herself in the chaos of becoming a mom — the sacrifices, the body changes, the endless demands. Realizing her struggle was shared by many, I created a responsive web app to lend women like her a hand. Here, new moms, moms-to-be and those feeling unsure find advice, support, and a laid-back atmosphere from mentor moms and health experts, all while lifting each other up.
Jump to the final product

Did you know new mothers face postpartum depression at a rate of approximately 14% ?

I was pretty shocked by this, so I decided to dig deeper. I did some desk research and then started an ethnographic study, chatting with lots of new moms. Turns out, many of them feel totally overwhelmed and isolated, navigating an overload of advice and emotions after giving birth. This got me thinking: there's a big barrier for women who want to be moms, and we need to talk about it more openly. That's why I came up with the idea of mamanurture—to shed some light on pregnancy and postpartum-related issues and offer support along the way

Sole UX/UI Designer
Project Team
Sahar Bouslama
Read more

¿ Defining the Problem ?

How might we brid‍ge

the gap ?

Life isn't always rosy or bleak, and neither is motherhood.

By embracing relatable experiences, situations, and relationships, we can create a space where moms can connect with others who understand the real ups and downs of being a mom. This environment allows them to feel supported, less alone, and empowered to navigate the challenges of motherhood without the pressure of living up to unrealistic standards.

Sleepless nights and exhaustion
Messy homes and chaotic schedules
Feelings of guilt, inadequacy, or overwhelm
Imperfect relationships with partners or other family members
Struggles with breastfeeding or other aspects of infant care
Dealing with postpartum depression or anxiety

*Raw Reality  🥀

of Motherhood

Affinity mapping & Interview Insights

It turns out moms don’t just need expert advice; they need a platform to exchange advice with other moms who have experienced similar situations. Moreover, mental recovery is as essential as physical recovery for new moms post-birth, and both should go hand in hand.

This is the gap in the market. 🔎📊

Through comprehensive competitive UX analyses, I've come to realize that while current apps focus extensively on physical changes, the equally significant mental changes post-birth go completely unseen and under served.

To the ♥️ of my 🎯audience.












User Persona: First-time Mom
User Persona: Mentor Mom





click on image to see all user flows


From Hand-Sketches to
Mid-Fidelity Prototypes in Figma.

Easy access to  Mentor Moms for guidance and support.
Easy Appointment Booking with healthcare specialists for medical & mental health consultations.
Accessible Information on popular and important topics in motherhood.

Usability Testing.

Moderated remote | 3 Wireflows | 6  Participants | 28- 35 YO | 45 - 60 min

Participants found "Button Reason of Treatment" confusing. They needed clearer guidance to understand its purpose. In response, I renamed it to "Book Appointment".
Participants raised concerns about the "Expert Moms" information, the feature's naming, and the ratings system for evaluating moms' expertise. To address these, I incorporated videos as "Mentor Moms" and introduced a new satisfaction-based rating system.

The final product

Click here to see full prototype
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Updates ..soon.